Run it Like a Girl

Run it like a girl with Kate Gilman Williams, child advocate, author, CEO, podcaster

Kate Gilman Williams Season 4 Episode 13

Kate Gilman Williams is only 12-years old, but she’s already a well-known animal advocate, CEO and author. Kate, who lives in Austin, Texas, was just 7 when she co-authored a book called ‘Let’s Go on Safari’ and 10 when she founded her organization Kids Can Save Animals.

Kate believes that anyone can make a difference, and even a little help can go a long way. On her podcast - Club 15, Kate says a great way to learn is from experts who educate on what we can all do to help save wildlife. 

Learn more about Kate and the work that she does:

Kids Can Save Animals
Check out Kate's book : Let's Go on Safari
Check out Club 15
Listen to her song Kids Can Save Animals that Kate recorded with Jenn Hartmann Luck

Follow Kate and Kids Can Save Animals

The Fast Three
What is your favourite podcast or source of information: Part Time Genius
What are you currently reading? Poached by Stuart Gibbs
Who is currently inspiring you? Jenn Hartmann Luck