Run it Like a Girl

Run it like a girl with Tetyana Dudnyk, director of technology, PMO, CIBC, Season 3, Episode 8

Tetyana Dudnyk Season 3 Episode 8

Whether it’s because of  layoffs, redundancy, or personal choice, many people are starting over in their careers. Now imagine starting over, thousands of miles from home,  in a new country, and a new language.  Tetyana Dudnyk was a business woman from Ukraine, when she stepped off of an airplane in Canada 20 years ago. Tetyana talks about building her career and the importance of having a continuous learner mindset.  She also talks about how women tend to undervalue their skills, and are often hesitant about applying for a job that they aren’t 100% qualified for, and she questions why anyone would take a job where they already have 100% of the qualifications.  

Tetyana is also on the leadership team of the Toronto chapter of Ellevate, a world-wide network of professional women. This is an amazing organization that is driven by members supporting each other, and helping each other to grow.