Run it Like a Girl
Run it Like a Girl
Run it like a girl with Lesley Gunn, head of marketing for Connor, Clark and Lunn Financial Group Ltd.
I had the great pleasure of working with Lesley Gunn for several years at a professional services firm in Toronto. I learned a lot from Lesley about leadership, advocating for my own career and to not be afraid of failure.
When Lesley first started her career like so many others she found herself in a job that she didn't find fulfilling. However, it ultimately helped her understand where she didn't want to focus her career. After some interesting job experience with a newspaper in London, England, Lesley returned to Canada and began working in the staffing business where she learned how to run a multi-million dollar business.
Lesley now works in financial services, as the Head of Marketing for Connor, Clark and Lunn Financial Group Ltd. in Toronto.
On this episode Lesley tells us communication and persistence are key when an organization is going through a period of transition and change. She talks about having a common vision and how to bring the best out of each individual.
The Fast Three
What is your favourite podcast or source of information? Ask Lisa
What are you currently reading? Building a Story Brand by Donald Miller
Who is currently inspiring you? Teachers and students